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In 2009, gossip sites went wild with headlines that suggested the "Twilight" star was a lesbian. However, a closer look at Stewart's quotes reveals how she was actually responding to a question over the nature of her relationship with co-star Robert Pattinson: "I've thought about this a lot. There's no answer that's not going to tip you one way or the other. Think about every hypothetical situation. 'OK, we are. We aren't. I'm a lesbian.' I probably would've answered if people hadn't made such a big deal about it. But I'm not going to give the finding an answer."
Despite three high-profile marriages, the "Top Gun" star has been the subject of gay speculation for years. In 2003, he won a $10 million default judgment in a case against a gay porn actor who claimed the two had an affair, and two years earlier, he sued Los Angeles-based publisher Michael Davis for $100 million after Davis claimed to have a videotape of Cruise engaged in homosexual acts. As People reported, the suit was eventually dropped, and Davis eventually stated that Cruise "is not, and never has been, homosexual and has never had a homosexual affair."
Speculation has swirled over the talk show queen's long-standing kinship with TV anchor friend Gayle King for years. But as Winfrey told Barbara Walters last year, "I'm not even kind of a lesbian. And the reason why [the rumor] irritates me is because it means that somebody must think I'm lying. That's No. 1. No. 2 ... why would you want to hide it? That is not the way I run my life."
When asked about the long-standing rumors on his sexuality, the "Fast And The Furious" star proclaimed, "I was like, 'How could you say that? Why would you say that?'" He went on to note, "I'm not gonna put it out there on a magazine cover like some other actors. I come from the Harrison Ford, Marlon Brando, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino code of silence. I'm not gonna do that."
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