Advertisement industry

Advertisement industry

The advertising industry is still relying on processes developed in the 60s around the advent of TV. It s a long way from where it needs to be. Photograph: Everett Collection / Rex Feature Spare some sympathy for the poor, beleaguered advertising industry? Thought not. But ad agencies are under pressure, and it s a problem – or at least a wasted opportunity…
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HuffPo Media

HuffPo Media

Arianna Huffington at Alibaba s Global Conference on Women and Entrepreneurship Credit: Twitter There s been a lot of speculation about the future of The Huffington Post now that Verizon is buying AOL, owner of the online news and content site, in a deal that seems to be primarily motivated by AOL s ad tech offerings. But AOL President Bob…
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Media, PA

Media, PA

MEDIA, Pa. (CBS) — George Brosnan stood with his American flag as fellow veterans marched today to the courthouse in Media, Pa., during one of many parades throughout the Delaware Valley honoring men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for the United States. —– Brosnan served in the US Army during the Vietnam War, and he says there’s no place…
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Net Media

Net Media

The Great Discontent Ryan & Tina Essmaker are the husband-and-wife team behind The Great Discontent (TGD), a magazine featuring interviews on beginnings, creativity, and risk. Since launching online in August 2011, TGD has published interviews with 130+ creative individuals, and has grown to include a print counterpart, a short film series…
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Media Player Icons

Media Player Icons

I spent a lot of time over the weekend trying to resolve some very small, but very annoying, issues with my home computers. After many hours I resolved my issues, so I will document them here! First let my briefly describe my setup. I have a Windows 2 Server that I also log into locally to use as a workstation. I also have several Windows 2 Workstations…
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Bing Sign up

Bing Sign up

Updated Spring 2013 to reflect changes in Bing Webmaster Tools. Like the webmaster tools on Google and Yahoo it’s free. Bing may not bring you as many visitors as the other search engines but we still feel that it is worth spending 15 minutes setting up a Bing Webmaster Account. In 2010 Bing and Yahoo announced that they would be consolidating their…
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What is Visual Media?

What is Visual Media?

‘Visual media’ is a colloquial expression used to designate things such as television, film, photography and painting, etc. But it is highly inexact and misleading. On closer inspection, all the so-called visual media turn out to involve the other senses (especially touch and hearing). All media are, from the standpoint of sensory modality, ‘mixed media’…
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Sign up in Yahoo

Sign up in Yahoo

You don t have to use a desktop or laptop computer to sign up for a Yahoo account. You can also use the mobile Web browser on your feature phone or tablet to create a Yahoo account. Using your mobile Web browser, go to . Tap the menu icon. Tap Sign in . Tap Create Account. Enter the requested information and tap Create account. Check the mobile number…
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Media, Delaware

Media, Delaware

Social Media Conference: Thursday, February 19 • 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. - Owens Campus - Carter Partnership Center • Georgetown, DE - Cost: $89 - Lunch Provided- Keynote Speaker - Krista Neher, CEO of Boot Camp Digital Get a road map for connecting with and engaging your audience using social media. Experienced social media experts will break down the latest…
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Black Media Scoop

Black Media Scoop

(BlackMediaScoop) A man was kidnapped at gunpoint and raped by 3 women who collected his semen in a cooler and then abandoned their victim – and cops say this is part of a growing trend. The 33-year-old man gave the women directions when they pulled up in a black BMW. Suddenly, one of the women armed with a gun got out and forced him into the back of…
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